27 August 2017

I think I may have captured a rare cloud on camera?

Hello everyone reading this blog, I just wanted to say that the last time I posted anything was about 5 weeks ago, and in that time, many things have happened which meant this blog had to sit in the back seat, but I want to welcome you back to the blog.

A few days ago, I think I may have captured a rare cloud on camera. South Florida had a thunderstorm that originated from a tropical wave that is still sitting over the Florida peninsula at the time of writing this post. I then took these pictures of what I think is a rare cloud called a roll cloud:

I am not a meteorologist nor cloud expert, so I would like to know if these were actually roll clouds or some other type of more common cloud.

Anyway, in other news, I have changed my Instagram name from 'realjackfawsitt' to 'jackfawsittphotography' to better reflect what I now do on both this blog and Instagram.

I also celebrated my A-Level results last weekend, by going to an American restaurant (well it was actually Texan) called Texas Roadhouse which was a good experience, especially the free bread and peanuts provided to you at the start of the meal!